10 Ways to Build Confidence in Games

10 Ways to Build Confidence in Games There is no need to sell anyone on the importance of confidence in soccer. Simply put, it’s an absolute must – It separates the good from the great, and the elite from everyone else. Our 1-1 mindset program is all about practical soccer-specific exercises players can do to…

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7 Cardinal Sins of Soccer

  7 Cardinal Sins of Soccer Here are the 7 Cardinal Sins of Mindset in Soccer: Indifference/Apathy – There’s no room for these feelings if you want to develop your skills and improve your performance. Never just go through the motions in practice.  You will not reach your own goals and you will not help…

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6 Mindset Pillars of soccer

1. Compete in soccer because YOU want to. Your happiness and well-being is more important than success. If soccer isn’t in your heart, then try something else. Don’t do it for someone else, do what YOU love for YOU.2. Focus on the process not the outcome. If you keep improving each day, wins and titles will take…

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