7 Habits of Future Success Stories

Everybody wants to be a success story. Many of us daydream about the day we will be able to explain to someone how we started our own business, earned our first million dollars, bought our own house, or any number of extraordinary achievements. While the daydream is very similar from person to person, the actions…

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Overcome your Fears on the Golf Course

What-if I lose, what if my friends think I’m a bad golfer, what if I don’t make the cut. Thinking about what-if scenarios won’t help you golf any better. These fears can cripple even the most talented golfer. Many golfers suppress these fears instead of addressing them head-on which can hurt performance when they creep…

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A Mindset Lesson from Elephant Training

Elephants are one of the most powerful creatures on the planet. Their mammoth-like size and strength would allow them to crush any obstacle and go anywhere they please. Nothing could stand in the way of a determined elephant. How is it then that so many elephants are passive, sitting in zoos and circuses without incident?…

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