10 Tennis Mindset Red Flags

  Being too cautious or hesitant.  Being better in practice than in a game or tournament. Serving or attacking just to “not mess up” instead of being aggressive. Poor body language. Undermining your own potential.  Low confidence. Very nervous before games, getting set, or serving. Easily distracted during games. Struggles to bounce back after errors/mistakes.…

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6 tennis Mindset Pillars

1. Play tennis because YOU want to. Your happiness and well-being is more important than success. If playing tennis isn’t in your heart, then try something else. DO IT FOR YOU! 2. Focus on the process, not the outcome. If you keep improving each day, the wins and titles will be the result. If you only focus…

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Here are the 7 Cardinal Sins of Mindset in Tennis

1. Indifference/Apathy – There’s no room for these doubtful feelings if you want to develop your skills and improve your performance. Always put in 110%. 2. Stubbornness – Being stubborn means your aren’t coachable. Being uncoachable probably will make you unsuccessful. However, being open-minded might expose a new skill or technique that you would’ve otherwise…

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7 ways players kill performance

Avoid becoming too much of a fan instead of a player. Don’t look up other teams’ stats or rankings right before you play them. Also, at tournaments don’t watch the first place competitors too much either. All of those things will make you unnecessarily nervous and will distract you from your goals for that day.…

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