Evidence-Based Training: Your Goal Dictates Your Behavior
Evidence-Based Training: Your Goal Dictates Your Behavior Do you incorporate goal setting sheets with your athletes? If you answered yes, it is likely that you have received responses from your athletes that may include statements such as “I want to get stronger”, I want to get faster”, “I am going to work harder”, etc? …
even a quick jog you can be thankful for
This morning, I had a realization. I was out for a run – just a quickjog around the block. It was all I had time for, but I needed it to clearmy head. I had gone all weekend without exercise; when I do that, Ifeel groggy and out of touch. I lose my edge. Before…
Evaluate Your Performance
How satisfied, thrilled, and accomplished do you feel when you play really, REALLY well? Like, so well, that you don’t even know what happened. It felt like something took over your body and played for you. This is called your “in zone” mode. This “in zone” feeling changes the game, makes you feel unstoppable, and…
Eric Casaburi Former CEO and Founder of Retro Fitness
Eric Casaburi Former CEO and Founder of Retro Fitness. Raised in New Jersey. After his mother passed away when he was 15, he threw himself into fitness to take his mind off of the grief. His passion for fitness led to him competing as a bodybuilder, and eventually opening his own fitness chain.