Jump Levels in tennis

Jump Levels in Tennis No matter who you are, you always have the ability to jump to another level. Whether you’re a JV tennis player or Serena Williams, you have another level in you. My dad has always been my role model. When I was a kid my dad would always ask my brothers and…

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Jump Levels in your Sport

There is always another level in you no matter who you are. Whether you’re a JV 50 meter sprinter or Michael Phelps, you have another level in you. My dad has always been my role model. When I was a kid my dad would always ask my brothers and I, what is the biggest room…

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top 10 mental mistakes basketball players make

1. Getting involved in the hype. Reading the papers, social media and/or forum. Leave this to the spectators, after the season you can read your articles. 2. Associating with negative people and small-time thinkers. These people will only slow you down. Keep your distance from them, especially during the season. 3. Making any particular game or tournament…

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6 basketball mindset pillars

1. Play Basketball because YOU want to. Your happiness and well-being trumps success. If playing basketball is not in your heart than do something else. Don’t do it for other people. 2. Focus on the process not the outcome. If you keep improving each day, wins and titles will take care of themselves. If you focus…

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