7 Summer Golf Mistakes to Avoid

Getting up late each day. Just because you are able to sleep in, doesn’t mean that you should do it. Sleep is critical. Get yourself in a rhythm where you go to bed and wake up at a decent hour consistently. Get your 8 plus hours. It will positively affect your training, your mood and…

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USA Gymnastics National Congress

Gymnast Mindset Full video of Shari’s presentation at USA Gymnastics National Congress ⭐️ SUPERSTITIONS: HARMLESS OR PROBLEMATIC? ⭐️ – Why gymnasts are so superstitious – How superstitions can impact performance – Why gymnasts need to conserve brain power – How gymnasts can conserve brain power & recharge as-needed – Why gymnasts need to take ownership…

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Taking Responsibility

It can be hard taking full responsibility for a situation when it doesn’t feel like it was completely your fault. There might be someone else that could have caused a problem to the situation, timing might have been off, lack of communication between two parties, etc. Whatever the excuse you are putting in your head,…

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How do we persevere through anything? Practice!

Perseverance is like any other mindset skill. It’s not something that you either have or don’t have, it is a skill that can be trained, improved, or lost without practice. Perseverance can open up doors that you otherwise couldn’t walk through. As you face difficult tests, intimidating presentations, and complex classwork, perseverance will be the…

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