​6.5 Ways Players Kill Performance

 1. Becoming too much of a fan, instead of a player. Stop reading the papers and forums. Throw away any standings or predictions you see. When you play in a tournament- stop watching too much basketball. It usually makes players more nervous, less focused, and more aware of the crowd and other external factors. Instead…

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6.5 Ways players kill performance

​1. Becoming too much of a fan, instead of a player. Stop reading the papers and forums. Throw away any standings or predictions you see. When you play in a tournament- stop watching too much baseball. It usually makes players more nervous, less focused, and more aware of the crowd and other external factors. Instead…

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6 volleyball mindset pillars

​1. Play volleyball because YOU want to. Your happiness and well-being is more important than success. If playing volleyball isn’t in your heart, then try something else. Don’t do it for someone else, do what YOU love for YOU. 2. Focus on the process not the outcome. If you keep improving each day, wins and titles will…

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6 track and field mindset pillars

​1. Compete in Track and Field because YOU want to. Your happiness and well-being is more important than success. If running track or competing in a field event isn’t in your heart, then try something else. Don’t do it for someone else, do what YOU love for YOU. 2. Focus on the process not the outcome. If…

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6 tennis Mindset Pillars

1. Play tennis because YOU want to. Your happiness and well-being is more important than success. If playing tennis isn’t in your heart, then try something else. DO IT FOR YOU! 2. Focus on the process, not the outcome. If you keep improving each day, the wins and titles will be the result. If you only focus…

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