The Blame Game

To err is human. To put the blame on someone else is doubles. – AnonymousAthletes tend to strive for the perfect game. They want to win without any blemishes or mistakes at all and will spend hours upon hours tediously working on every small detail of their craft in order to wipe away any imperfections.…

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The Avoidance Contract

In a famed test known as the marshmallow experiment, children are tested on their ability to delay gratification. Delaying gratification means that you choose not to take advantage of something that is somewhat good now in favor of something even better down the line. In the case of the marshmallow experiment, children are presented with…

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The Art of a Comeback

The Art of a Comeback   The best athletes in the world are consciously aware of what they are doing in the moment based on their previous best and worst performances, which allow them to have a clear mind to begin the comeback.   5 Minute Rule: Immediately following a poor performance it is important…

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