Surround Self w/ Success

Depending on the people you surround yourself with, do you notice you start mimicking their habits, catch phrases, actions, hobbies, interests, etc.? If you are within a bad crowd, you might catch yourself doing things that you normally wouldn’t be doing. You are only doing them because everyone else around you does it regularly. Some…

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Taking Responsibility

It can be hard taking full responsibility for a situation when it doesn’t feel like it was completely your fault. There might be someone else that could have caused a problem to the situation, timing might have been off, lack of communication between two parties, etc. Whatever the excuse you are putting in your head,…

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Team Building

Team building exercises are a great way to get the team together, get to know each other a little better, and most importantly they are suppose to be fun! There are many games out there that teams can do. They can be physical challenges or they can be more personable. Here is an example of…

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“The 10 Rules of the Season”

1) Never be outworked. The only person you should be competing against is yourself. The most important question you can ask yourself is “Did I go all out or hold back”. 2) Avoid focusing on statistics. With the influx of technology and today’s social media platforms it is way to easy to get caught up…

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The 30 Day Body Language Diet

The 30 Day Body Language Diet   The simplest and quickest way to change the way you feel is to change the way you move. In the moments leading up to Mohammed Ali’s first ever title fight his coach recognized Ali was carrying himself with very poor body language.  Ali’s Coach then provided him with…

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