What do you see?

When you step on the field, what do you see? Grass? Goalposts? A spray-painted rectangle? Yard lines? Bleachers? Or do you visualize a game, and your role in it? For most athletes, it’s easier to see the physical aspects of the field ofplay – but very difficult to visualize themselves in that arena. Whichis an…

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Intensity: Finding your Groove

Intensity is a feeling that causes baseball players a lot of confusion. Some coaches work to hype up their team prior to a game. Others place focus on relaxing their players and helping them become composed before taking the field. So, which is it? Is intensity a beneficial trait to strive for, or is it…

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Developing Your Craft

Think of a sports movie that you have watched recently. Most sports movies share a similar narrative. There is a dominant athlete or team that is discussed early in the movie that seems unbeatable. There is also a ragtag group of average Joes that aspire to defeat the dominant athletes. Shortly following a two to…

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How To Pump Up Before A Game

Has it ever been challenging to pump yourself up before a game? You lack motivation when you step onto the court/field/mat/track and you are unsure why? This lack of motivation will be detrimental to performance and it will be very hard to get in the right state of mind. To get in the right state…

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