How to Commit Fully to your Soccer Goals 

One of the biggest problems in society today is the prevalence of “cognitive dissonance”- the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. Cognitive dissonance is a trait common to those who lack mental toughness and commitment. There is no place for it in the mind…

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Investing (in yourself) 101

Are you investing in your most important asset? Too often, we take a short term view of ourselves. We do what is needed to get through the day, survive the week, or meet the bare minimum of our expectations for ourselves.   Investments are typically not a short term project. It usually requires a long…

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3, 2, 1, ACTION PLAN!

Goals need brainstorming, structure, planning, written out, be visible, and then action can take place. The main goal about setting goals is taking control of your own fate. These outcomes aren’t just going to be handed to you. You won’t get better at that technique if you never practice. You will never get stronger if…

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