Have No Fear In Your Mentality

There are two different types of fatigue. There is physical fatigue and there is psychological fatigue. When you are playing, what type of fatigue do you think you experience the most? In my eyes, I remember being more psychologically fatigue compared to physically fatigued. Don’t believe me? Think about it. I am going to give…

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Have faith In the Mental Training Process

Do you have 100% of your faith in the process? This process can be for basketball, school, and life. Athletes that aren’t mentally tough get frustrated when they do not see progress as quickly as possible.   An easy example: Let’s say you are thinking about dinner. What is more appealing to you? The quick…

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Hate to Lose or Love to Win; how a growth mindset keeps an athlete and coach in check.

By Jimmy KaishianNCAA AA wrestler                                  Collegiate Coach9/21/2018                        After emphasizing in an interview that failure doesn’t exist Kobe Bryant was asked if he ended his career without an NBA championship, would he consider it a failure. His response was, in my unbiased opinion, awesome… In…

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Good Luck Bad Luck!

Sunday Story:   Good Luck Bad Luck! There is a Chinese story of a farmer who used an old horse to till his fields. One day, the horse escaped into the hills and when the farmer’s neighbors sympathized with the old man over his bad luck, the farmer replied, “Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?”…

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Get the Z’s You Deserve

Sleep is a precious activity that we don’t seem to appreciate, until it’s the night before a big game. What I mean by that is we don’t seem to care on a normal day when we go to bed, get up, pray before jumping in, etc. Right when it turns into game day, we want…

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Get Prey or Be Prey

So we all know that prey versus predator mindset. If you can’t remember, let me give you a brief explanation. Prey animals have eyes on the side, they like to hide. Predator animals have eyes on the front, and they like to hunt. Prey animals are always looking at their surroundings because they are used…

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