Constant Improvement

Today is your victory over yourself of yesterday: Tomorrow is your victory over lesser men. – Miyamoto MusashiAdvertisements often reflect a quick and easy solution to a problem. There is the workout solution that will get you shredded abs in only five minutes a day for two short weeks, and the movies that depict below…

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Confident Mindset Training

Athletes, like most people, tend to focus more on what they did poorly compared to their own personal strengths. It isn’t the easiest thing to do, without practice.The mind plays tricks on us and it is hard to not believe those thoughts. Such strong thoughts that are hard to ignore at times. All your thoughts…

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Confidence or Cockiness?

Displaying confidence can be tricky. How many times have you felt like you were so confident, showed that confidence, and someone told you to stop being cocky? What about if you were in a game, passing the ball every chance you got, letting your teammates have some fun on the court, trying to be a…

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