Account For Your Actions

Have you noticed you are more/less likely to do something if there is/isn’t an award or punishment afterwards? Examples. Would you study the information if there wasn’t a test after it? Would you buy the product even though it doesn’t work? Would you hold the door open knowing you weren’t going to get a thank…

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Abby Wambach on Failure

  When retired US Women’s superstar, Abby Wambach, delivered the commencement speech to the graduating class at Barnard College last year, she gave a simple instruction to those in attendance: fail. Failure is something that is never truly appreciated in our society. In fact, it is condemned. In Patton’s famous speech to his fifth army,…

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A Mindset Lesson from Elephant Training

Elephants are one of the most powerful creatures on the planet. Their mammoth-like size and strength would allow them to crush any obstacle and go anywhere they please. Nothing could stand in the way of a determined elephant. How is it then that so many elephants are passive, sitting in zoos and circuses without incident?…

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A Happier Route to Success

Being nervous, anxious, worried, or scared has a predictable affect on your mind. Tunnel vision sets in. You revert to your most rehearsed behaviors for safety. You second-guess yourself. You become literal-minded. Have you ever tried telling a joke or being sarcastic with someone who is in this state of mind? Notice how they don’t…

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A Constant War With Our Thoughts

In history class, we all have learned about different types of wars. Generally, a war means that there is a conflict between two parties. This conflict usually becomes addressed when both parties cannot make a decision or can’t find a solution that everyone agrees on. Usually war breaks loose once the dispute has been going…

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