​What to Focus on When You play

 In competition, focus is best spent on the present moment- on actions. Thinking about past successes or failures will distract you from your mission. Your mission is whatever you have to do right now, not a few moments ago, not a few seconds from now, much less the end of the competition- but right NOW. Think…

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What do you see?

When you step on the field, what do you see? Grass? Goalposts? A spray-painted rectangle? Yard lines? Bleachers? Or do you visualize a game, and your role in it? For most athletes, it’s easier to see the physical aspects of the field ofplay – but very difficult to visualize themselves in that arena. Whichis an…

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What are You Gonna do About it?

Stop talking about it, BE about it! Fell short of your goal this season?? What are you gonna do about it? Didn’t compete to your full potential because you were too nervous?? What are you gonna do about it? Lost competitions because you weren’t big or strong enough?? What are you gonna do about it?…

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