Successful and consistent golfers are an unspoken and elite group of athletes who understand what it takes to accomplish their goals. Many of us don’t understand what it takes to transition from “improving golfer” to a successful and consistent champion.
Here are some of our “process driven” habits that will allow your golfer to make the most out of themselves…

1). Focused AND Consistent Practices: Golf in today’s society is more of a recreational enjoyment than it is a competitive arena of athletes. For this reason, those who take their practice and preparation seriously will begin to see immediate results and jump levels ahead of their competition. Understanding the areas of improvement for each practice, not settling for average, taking mental notes and mental reps, and asking questions are all tips to practicing focused and consistent.

2). Trust Your Gut and Visualize Success: As a golfer approaches each shot, there is a target in mind. Our eyes are one of the most important assets to a great approach and overall swing. How clearly we can see our shot path and trust our eyes is crucial to our confidence. Defining our target and shot path before playing each shot allows us to execute consistently and stress-free. This worry free approach helps golfers quiet their mind and play without restriction.

3). Have a Pre- AND Post-Shot Routine: Having a consistent pre- and post-shot routine adds a form of consistency and confidence into each swing. The best golfers in the world know exactly how many practice swings they will take, when they will take deep breathes, and what their eyes will focus on before approaching the ball. Having a great routine also allows you to focus on what you can control (i.e. fundamentals, visualization, ball path). Consistent pre- and post-shot routines also block out the “uncontrollables” that can otherwise creep into your mind. A post-shot routine specifically is important for consistent reactions- not allowing your future emotions to be dependent on a poor/great swing or shot is critical. No shot or putt is anymore special then the others.

-Coach Paul Swanson