1. Never taking risks. Always taking the easiest class/schedule instead of challenging yourself. 

2. Test scores lower than practice test scores. 

3. Missing questions you know and studied for. 

4. Poor body language (shoulders slumped, head down, visibly stressed).

5. Unmotivated, distracted, or bored in class.

6. Low confidence, or basing confidence on test scores. 

7. Nervous/Anxious before tests, presentations, or participating in class.

8. Blames teachers/parents/classmates/friends for bad grades.

9. Struggles to bounce back after failing or having difficulty on an assignment.

10. Too critical of yourself. Feeling that everything needs to be perfect. 

If you or your students struggle with these Red Flags, it is important to address them immediately. Working harder doesn’t solve these problems. It takes intentional practice to develop the mental aptitude necessary to overcome these issues. Tackle these Red Flags now so that you will not be plagued with them throughout your entire academic career.

Each of these red flags can be improved with the right Mental Reps. As students, we spend hours each day drilling and practicing academic content, but how often do we work on developing a strong mindset? Academic knowledge is hardly useful without the academic mindset to support that knowledge and perform at consistently high levels.  

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” (Buddha)