competition evaluation

Winning Mindset CEO Gene Zannetti talks about the importance of a competition evaluation. What are the characteristics of you best preformances compared to your worst. ​Finding the differences and noticing them can allow for better performances.  Listen to the Podcast Here!

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dealing with adversity

Winning Mindset CEO Gene Zannetti talks about dealing with adversity. One of the best ways to by creating a reset button to help you refocus on what you can control. Listen to the Podcast Here!

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predator mindset and prey mindset

What is the difference between having a predator mindset and prey mindset? Predators in the wild have eyes in the front of their head which means laser focus on what they are hunting. Prey have eyes on their side of their head they are focused on what is going on around them. Be focused on…

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having a plan to relax

Having a plan is important, and having a plan to relax can be very difficult. Gene discusses valuable tips on how to plan to relax the night before a competition.  Click here to Listen to the Podcast!

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5 Steps to Prepare for success

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” – Alan Lakein Having a plan increases your chance of success dramatically. Many students have fantastic goals and well-intentioned desires, but no plan to be able to follow through on. Success is calculated and constantly worked towards. If you don’t have a plan, you can’t expect to be…

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