Proof that Visualization Works

    I’m sure you’ve heard of visualization before from a coach, teammate, or other resource. Just from the word, you can deduce that visualization is visualizing or picturing something – when using visualization in sports, you picture yourself succeeding in your sport. If you’ve used it before and enjoy this mental tool – great! I…

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Driven by Purpose

A strong purpose is the best motivator in soccer and anything you pursue in life. When everything you do is driven by your purpose, you are more likely to consistently give your best effort and treat every day as an opportunity to do so. Training, competing and living with this attitude will set you up…

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Three Traits of a Successful Game

Most athletes know that it can hurt their performance if they are negative and think about losing. What many athletes don’t know is that putting too much emphasis on winning can hurt their performance as well and can inadvertently cause them to underperform and lose. Focusing on winning can add pressure. Since winning is an…

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5 Ways to Conquer Mondays!

For many, Monday is the most difficult day of the week. After a relaxing weekend, you are suddenly back into the grind of your school week. You feel more tired and groggy, perhaps even cranky. What’s worse is that Monday sets the tone for the rest of your week. If you have a bad day…

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