1. Passion– The best basketball players love what they do, period. More than just winning, they love to train, they love to compete, they love the grind. Without passion we will never come close to our potential.
2. Courage– The best basketball players are not afraid to fail or put it on the line. They take risks and make themselves vulnerable to criticism, losing, and failure. Successful people replace fear with faith and pull the trigger in games and in life.
3. Vision– The clearer your vision, the better your chances of getting there. Kevin Love wrote down his goal multiple times this year. Stephen Covey’s book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People talks about vision. “One of the main things his [Dr. Charles Garfield] research showed was that almost all of the world-class athletes and other peak performers are visualizers. They see it; they feel it; they experience it before they actually do it. They Begin with the End in Mind.”
4. Resilient– Every top basketball player will face setbacks and adversity. It hurts to lose or fall short of a goal. Champions don’t give up, they bounce back and use these setbacks to make them stronger.
5. Confident- Great basketball players are confident in their abilities. They focus on their positives and do not put limits on themselves. Champions have faith in themselves and ignore the naysayers. The best basketball players believe that they will win when they step out on the court.