1- Patient
A patient test taker knows not to panic. Each question is given attention and all of the time limit is used wisely. 
2- Resourceful
A resourceful test taker uses every advantage they can. They gather all information and tools provided to them (calculators, scrap paper, formulas, direction sheets, etc.) and use it to increase their success. 
3- Prepared
A prepared test taker walks into the testing room knowing that they have done everything they could to ready themselves for success. This includes studying in advance (not just cramming), sleeping well, eating healthily, and maintaining consistent routines. 
4- Confident
A confident test taker believes in their ability to succeed and dominate (not just pass) the test. They know that their potential is limitless and their best effort can and will produce excellent results. 
5- Fearless
A fearless test taker is not concerned with the score needed to pass or fail. They are also not concerned with the difficulty of the test or the seriousness of it. They walk into the testing room looking to score every point they possibly can. They fight for each point on each question, no matter how intimidating the question might look.
6- Persistent
A persistent test taker does not accept boredom or tired as excuses. They produce the same effort on the last question of the test as they did on the first question. If they start to feel distracted, they have go-to methods to refocus and keep persisting. 
7- Driven
A driven test taker walks into every test with a purpose. Whether that purpose is to advance a career, gain a certification, receive entry into college, or even as simple as to showcase their own knowledge and abilities, their purpose is clear. They do not allow for a poor performance on test day because they have clarity in what success on that test means to them.