A dream killer is anything that gets in the way of you reaching your goals and achieving the life you dream of. Here are 10 dream killers that are notorious for sneaking up on people and limiting their ability to succeed:

1) excuse making – it’s easy to do and quicker than achieving actual results, making it very dangerous to our dreams.
2) comfort zone – Not only does it prevent growth, it makes you so comfortable that you don’t realize you aren’t growing.
3) toxic friendships – You need support to reach your maximum potential. Toxic friends only drag you down. 
4) perfectionism – A need to be perfect leads to dissatisfaction with everything you do which prevents growth. 
5) unhealthy habits – You can’t reach your goals without your health. Anything you can control that gets in the way of you being at your best health is liable to take away your success. 
6) boredom – This is a sure sign that you aren’t driven and remembering the purpose behind achieving your goal. Reflect on your goals and their importance in your life to keep your passion alive. Don’t accept boredom!
7) fear of failure – This limits your ability to try and produce your best effort. Even worse, it becomes more difficult for you to bounce back when you don’t achieve the success that you hope for. 
8) fear of success – This can be even more damaging than a fear of failure. Worrying about new responsibilities that will come with success can cause you to self-sabotage your efforts. 
9) ”yes men” – Be wary of people who just say yes to you and don’t challenge you to be your best. They may be nice but they don’t have your best interest at heart. 
10) folding to adversity – Any difficult goal is going to come with challenges and obstacles. Allowing yourself to fold to pressure and adversity destroys your chance at growth.

Watch out for these dream killers and make sure they don’t quietly enter your life unnoticed!