7 Tips to run faster

When you’re on the track, whether running 5 miles, or 100m, the goal is to become as fast as you can. Here are 7  tips to ensure you are a faster runner: Sleep: make sure you are allowing your body to fully recover and rejuvenate with a good night’s sleep. Strength training: yes, even for long distance…

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5 Ways to Stay Energized During the Day

It’s so easy to become tired during the day, especially if you have a long day at school, or a long practice during the weekend, or a tough day at work. It’s not always easy to stay energized during the day and when you’re tired, it makes the day drag on even longer. It seems…

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Tests are not Special

If I had a dollar for every student that said they are a “bad test taker,” I would have a gorgeous mansion overlooking the beach! Many students use the bad test taker line as a crutch which holds them back from achieving their goals. Instead of viewing it as a skill to improve, they see…

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