Let’s Make Sleeping Easier

Have you ever noticed your environment around you can change the way you act, feel, and view things? Let’s say you walk into a gym that you never been into, alone, and you do not know anyone that works outs there as well. You are probably going to keep to yourself, stare at your phone…

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“The 10 Rules of the Season”

1) Never be outworked. The only person you should be competing against is yourself. The most important question you can ask yourself is “Did I go all out or hold back”. 2) Avoid focusing on statistics. With the influx of technology and today’s social media platforms it is way to easy to get caught up…

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7 Myths of Mindset Training

Let’s talk mindset myths! While mindset training is common for high level athletes, we don’t talk about it or use it as much in school. Mindset training is the most effective resource to maximize your potential and help you perform at your best in school, sports, relationships, business, and life in general! Let’s bust these…

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