Character. What does character mean to you? Think about it a little and write down three characteristics of yourself as an athlete. What do you do for yourself and others that build your character?
Now that you have written three characteristics about yourself, it is time to think of how you can improve these qualities of you as an athlete. Are you constantly asking others how you can improve these characteristics? What can you do each day to make yourself better? What is something you did today that you can do better tomorrow? Ask your coach, teammates, parents, coworkers, etc to see what you can do to build your character.

. This is how you present yourself to others. Do you try to dress to impress or dress for comfort? Are you friendly to everyone or just friendly to the people you know? Do you go out of your way to help others or avoid interaction? Do you fuel your body to get ready for practice or grab something quick and easy from the fridge? The way you present yourself to others reflects how others view you. Make sure you behave yourself and do not make a bad name for your school district, team, and yourself from a careless action.

Connection. How are your connections with the people around you? Do you avoid eye contact or say hello to everyone that passes you? Do you walk a different way each day to view the world or do you walk the same path everyday and not notice the scenery around you? Have a good connect with others, the world, and yourself will make your more in tuned with the life around you and yourself. It will make you appreciate life every minute of the day and be more connected to the people that surround you. This will help team chemistry on and off from practice time. You will not feel like you are surrounded by a bunch of strangers, easier to communicate, and easier to have the will to help others out when they are in need of assistance.

It makes work a little more fun not being surrounded by a bunch of strangers. It is also nice being able to be friends with your co-workers as well. The shift goes a lot quicker, it is easier to communicate, and you end up helping each other out more frequently.

​Written by:

Sarah Grippi
Basketball Mindset