Many people have a mystical view on motivation. It comes and goes, appearing at random and disappearing when it’s time is up. The truth is, motivation is intentional. Not only that, it is a skill that can be practiced! Here are five ways you can increase your motivation regularly through practice. 

1) Write out your “why.” There is a reason why you have set your goals and a purpose for you to pursue them. Write down the why: why you want to reach your goals. What does it mean to you? Then, place it somewhere that you will see it every day.

2) Identify and follow positive role models. Find people who are doing what you want to do. Learn how they reached their success. Watch them set and complete goals and allow that to inspire you to reach yours.

3) Visualize your success. Take time every morning to visualize what a successful day will look like. Picture yourself answering all the questions right, getting an A on the test, telling the joke that makes all your friends laugh, and anything else that you would define as a winning day. Let that visualization lead your day into a better path. 

4) Write down the expectations you have of yourself. What are you trying to live up to? What standards have you set? This will help you stay motivated to live in a way that you will be constantly proud of. 

5) Look up inspiring / motivating quotes or images. Don’t just do this randomly. Set 5-10 minutes aside every day to look at things that inspire you. How often do we look at things that distract us, bring our mood down, or that have negative images? If you want to build motivation, you must evaluate what you look at and put more inspiring messages in front of you. Be intentional and set a time every day for your “inspiration time.” 

There are many other ways to practice motivation. When you find sources of inspiration that keep you driving forward with your full effort, make it a part of your habits and continue motivating yourself. Don’t rely on motivation to just naturally come. Practice it!