Toughness Over Tired

There is a difference from you going 100% and feeling at your 100%. During a game or practice, it’s nearly impossible to feel energetic the whole entire time. If you think it is possible, that means you sprinted every long stretch, stayed low in a defense stance every second on your opponent, never took a…

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Evaluate Your Performance

How satisfied, thrilled, and accomplished do you feel when you play really, REALLY well? Like, so well, that you don’t even know what happened. It felt like something took over your body and played for you. This is called your “in zone” mode. This “in zone” feeling changes the game, makes you feel unstoppable, and…

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Fearless Even After An Injury

The hardest part about coming back from an injury or constant pain is all mental. The fear of possibly injuring yourself again is the only thing you can think about when you are basketball training, lifting in the weight room, practicing with the team, during conference games, etc. Any type of movement that you might…

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No More Stereotyping

We, as athletes, are all guilty of doing this. We end up stereotyping our opponents before even playing against them. We hear that they are tall, haven’t lost a game all year because of their skill, where they grew up, etc., which can really create some serious mental blocks.  This can go the other way…

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Eliminate Mindset Distractions

Trying to completely empty your mind seems like an easy task, until you want to practice it. It is so simple to be able to erase everything in your head, for only a couple of seconds.  Why does it seem like other people can practice having an empty mind but it just doesn’t seem like…

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Consciously Program Your Unconscious Mind

We all talk to ourselves in our head. These are called daily affirmations. Why do we seem to talk to ourselves? Usually it is to boost our confidence, get us pumped up, coach ourselves up, etc. Whatever the reason, this is usually done by our unconscious mind. We don’t always make ourselves think these affirmations,…

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