Jump Levels in tennis

Jump Levels in Tennis No matter who you are, you always have the ability to jump to another level. Whether you’re a JV tennis player or Serena Williams, you have another level in you. My dad has always been my role model. When I was a kid my dad would always ask my brothers and…

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Predator VS Prey Mindset in tennis

Predator vs. Prey Mindset in Tennis You have a choice each moment on the court, in school and in life. Are you going to be the Predator or Prey?  Are you on the prowl, or are you constantly fearing for your life?  When you think about animals in their natural habitats, there are always two…

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control your destiny

“There are three types of baseball players: Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happens.” – Tommy Lasorda Baseball great Tommy Lasorda knew the importance of filling his team with players who take charge of their destiny. Be the player that makes change, shakes things up, and is…

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7 Cardinal sins of Lax mindset

Here are the 7 Cardinal Sins of Mindset in Lacrosse: 1. Indifference/Apathy – There’s no room for these feelings if you want to develop your skills and improve your performance. Always put in 110%. 2. Stubbornness – Being stubborn leads to being uncoachable, which leads to being unsuccessful. Be open-minded and you might be exposed…

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6 Mindset pillars of Lax

1. Play Lacrosse because YOU want to. Your happiness and well-being is more important than success. If playing lacrosse isn’t in your heart, then try something else. Don’t do it for someone else, do what YOU love for YOU.2. Focus on the process not the outcome. If you keep improving each day, wins and titles will take…

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Building Confidence in Lax

​10 Ways to Build Confidence on the FieldI don’t need to sell anyone on the importance of confidence in lacrosse. Simply put, it’s an absolute must – It separates the good from the great, and the elite from everyone else. Our 1-1 mindset program is all about practical lacrosse-specific exercises players can do to improve…

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