How to Create an Ideal Pre-Match Routine

While getting ready for any type of competition, we’ve found that implementing a pre-match routine is helpful when competing. A pre-match routine is important because it helps you get “in the zone” before the competition starts. It’s a method of combining physical and mental aspects to prepare yourself for the competition ahead. We’ve come up…

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How To Pump Up Before A Game

Has it ever been challenging to pump yourself up before a game? You lack motivation when you step onto the court/field/mat/track and you are unsure why? This lack of motivation will be detrimental to performance and it will be very hard to get in the right state of mind. To get in the right state…

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​Playing Your Game Regardless of Your Opponent

           At this point, you know how to play the game of tennis. Obviously, if you havethe correct mentality when it comes to a steady and consistent progression, you arecontinuing to improve in certain areas and fine-tune all aspects of the game. Butultimately, you understand how to play the game and…

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even a quick jog you can be thankful for

This morning, I had a realization. I was out for a run – just a quickjog around the block. It was all I had time for, but I needed it to clearmy head. I had gone all weekend without exercise; when I do that, Ifeel groggy and out of touch. I lose my edge. Before…

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What do you see?

When you step on the field, what do you see? Grass? Goalposts? A spray-painted rectangle? Yard lines? Bleachers? Or do you visualize a game, and your role in it? For most athletes, it’s easier to see the physical aspects of the field ofplay – but very difficult to visualize themselves in that arena. Whichis an…

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