Effective Strategies for Complex Situations

Overthinking. Yes, something everyone does but doesn’t necessarily want to do. Why is it so hard to control what we think? How come when we tell ourselves to stop overthinking, we seem to think about it even more? Why did we start thinking about this situation in the first place? Was this situation a good…

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The Secrets of Mental Toughness No One Talks About

How my softest kid got super tough – yours can too… Pete Jacobson has been a varsity HS coach for almost 20 years. He also works with coaches of all levels through WinSmarter to help them get better at what they do, have a greater impact and go home happy. Check out 10 Insanely Powerful…

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What is the worst that can happen?

The reason we don’t do certain things, activities, visit certain places, ask people out, etc. is because of feelings of being nervous. It is not that we don’t want to do these things, it is because we are worried about the outcome of the situation.  It is easy to say “what if…”. Instead of saying…

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Visualizing Success

Why do we often replay bad scenarios over and over again in our heads but don’t do this as often for the good experiences? This is because it is easier to remember something that was painful at one point.  See, when things are going good we don’t think anything about it when it’s happening. We…

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What Flips Your Alter Ago Switch?

We all know basketball gives us that natural aggressive instinct. What happens when it is hard to find that aggressive edge? No matter how hard and deep you dig, sometimes it becomes a lot harder than you anticipated. Some days it will come easy and other days you have to search for it a little…

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10 Tournament Tips for Lacrosse Players

10 Tournament Tips for Lacrosse Players   Recharge your battery in between games. Don’t watch the other lacrosse games so you can detach yourself emotionally and mentally while you are not playing. Get out of the tournament area when there is some time. Do not make the tournament into an “special” event. During practice, you…

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